Urban Park in Tlalnepantla
2019 - Tlalnepantla, Estado de México

The project, located at the El Tenayo Housing Unit area in the Municipality of Tlalnepantla de Baz, is part of an initiative by INFONAVIT (Mexico's Housing Authority) and the CIDS (Research Center for Sustainable Development) to improve the public spaces of large housing developments in the outskirts of Mexico City.
The proposal consists of the rehabilitation of a large open median strip. The intervention proposes a set of 9 squares, each measuring 20 x 20 m, arranged following the sloped topography. Each of the squares contains a specific program: a civic square with a flagpole, a tree-lined square, a square with play structures, a square with gathering benches, a multi-purpose triangular pavilion, a skate park, an outdoor gym, and two multipurpose courts. The whole property is enveloped by a green perimeter and a 2.50m wide running track. The link between each of the squares and the sidewalk is mediated by means of stairs and ramps so that all of them meet the accessibility requirements. The intervention also includes the improvements of existing sidewalks, public lighting, and urban furniture.

Architecture: PRODUCTORA (Carlos Bedoya, Victor Jaime, Wonne Ickx, Abel Perles) | Collaborators: Daniela Diaz, Natalia Echeverri, Alonso Sanchez, Diego Velazquez | Location: Municipality of Tlalnepantla de Baz, State of Mexico | Type: Public Infrastructure | Surface: 105,486 sqft| Contractor: CRONOS | Client: INFONAVIT (Instituto del Fondo Nacional de la Vivienda) | Date: 2018 | Photographer: Erick Mendez