Al Nouri Complex
2021 – Mosul, Iraq

In collaboration with the Turkish-Belgian architect Ali Cicek and the Mexican restoration specialists Andrea Monroy and Diana Fonseca, PRODUCTORA designed a proposal based on two plazas flanked by porticos and a large central hypostyle hall as a shaded and cool epicenter for community life. The competition was organized by UNESCO and is part of a larger effort aiming to restore the urban, social and cultural fabric of the Old City of Mosul following its tragic destruction at the hands of ISIS in between 2014 and 2017.

Architectural Design: PRODUCTORA (Carlos Bedoya, Wonne Ickx, Víctor Jaime, Abel Perles) In collaboration with Asli Cicek | Collaborators: Sofía Valdovinos, Ruy Berumen, Ana Reed, Yael Saadia, Erik Castañeda, Diego Velázquez, Pablo Manjarrez, Fidel Fernández | Restoration team: Andrea Monroy y Diana Fonseca | Typology: Competition / Cultural | Location: Mosul, Iraq | Date: 2021
- 4th Place at the architectural competition for the reconstruction and rehabilitation of the Al Nouri Complex in Mosul